International Buddhist Day 2019
in 47 countries across the 5 continents
Buddhism that can bring peace to the world began to shine.

The event of International Buddhist Day 2019 was celebrated in the 47 countries across the 5 continents in the world by displaying the flags of International Day and Buddhist Summit. Visitors poured water onto the statue of newborn Buddha on the elephant with 6 tusks to show reverence to the Buddha.

The supreme Buddhist leaders who have been making every effort to propagate Buddhism celebrated International Buddhist Day with many monks and Buddhist followers.

Further promotion of International Buddhist Day will serve as a guide to the peoples in the world for bringing peace to this globe.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l  B u d d h i s t  D a y

ア フ リ カ 大 陸

ア ジ ア 大 陸

オ ー ス ト ラ リ ア 大 陸

ア メ リ カ 大 陸

ヨ ー ロ ッ パ 大 陸

ア フ リ カ 大 陸
The African continent has a tremendously vast area endowed with abundant natural resources. The world is paying attention to African countries with rapidly growing population and economy.

On the continent full of hope for the future, a torch of Buddhism has been kindled. It will become more and more brilliant.

ア ジ ア 大 陸
It is the birthplace of Buddhism. Many countries of Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism have united to the restoration of Buddhism under the protection and support of Kings, Royal Families, and the governments.

オ ー ス ト ラ リ ア 大 陸
Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Indian Ocean in the west and south, and the Arafura Sea in the north, it is filled with wildlife in rich nature environment.

The supreme Buddhist leaders and monks are actively practicing for spreading the noble teachings of Lord Buddha.

ア メ リ カ 大 陸
There live many races and ethnic groups in this continent lying north and south. Also, various cultures are coexisting in this vast land possessing rich resources.

Aiming for realizing world peace and serenity for humanity, the supreme Buddhist leaders are working energetically for the propagation of Buddhism.

ヨ ー ロ ッ パ 大 陸
Surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea in the south, the Asian continent in the east, and the Atlantic Ocean in the west, it is a rich land where old traditional cultures remain.

The supreme Buddhist leaders make a united effort to spread Buddhism, the religion of peace.