The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism
The Sacred Place for All Buddhists in the World

Procession Ceremony in the Grand Buddhist Ceremony
Celebratory event on April 8

Grand Buddhist Ceremony of International Buddhist Day
Supreme Buddhist leaders of 9 countries including African countries and Ambassadors of 11 countries to Japan attended the ceremony.

The ritual of pouring water onto the image of newborn Buddha. The Sutra on Merit Given by Pouring Water onto the Statue of the Buddha says that it is the most praiseworthy way of showing reverence to the Buddha.

Ceremony of International Buddhist Day at the Sattapanniguha Auditorium
Light of Buddhism has reached the African continent full of hope for the future.

The twentieth century, and in particular our generation has, as a result often lived at edge of dangers.
As we celebrate this year’s International Buddhist Day, I invite everybody to redouble our efforts to ensure comprehensive peace everywhere for everyone. Let us therefore continue recognizing, celebrating, respecting and appreciating our unity in diversity; then individual peace, domestic peace, nation peace, reginal and global peace will be guaranteed for all of us.
I wish everybody a happy Fifth International Buddhist Day. May all sentient beings be well, happy, and peaceful.

4月8日当日に取材した模様が 即日 テレビ報道されると共に インターネットを通じて 全世界に同時配信
Seeing International Buddhist Day 2019 broadcast on NTV-Uganda.